Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Flowers and Injuries
Then I decided to quilt my red, white and blue quilt today so I started meandering quilting it and I love the way it came out. All that is left is to sew the binding down, which I may give to my mom, but I know she is busy knitting so I may just work on it over the next few weeks. I could easily pack it up and take it to baseball versus taking a book to read while we wait for games to start.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Kittens and Quilts
Its also been really nice here so we have been riding just about every day. My horse is finally starting to get it. We were having issues with going forward, but we got it all figured out and now there are just minor adjustments to make before the first show, which is Memorial Day weekend. We didn't think I was going to be ready, but I think I can handle it. Maybe not a ton of classes, but at least 2 or 3. Here's a picture of my beautiful horse with TJ on him (TJ is showing him this year) and one of J and his horse.
I finished my quilt top that was originally going to be for Project Linus, but Rich thinks I should keep it since it came out really good. He thinks I should just put it in a protector and save it till we have a grandbaby. I say I could just make another one, but he really likes this one.
This morning I went to the local fabric shop, where I met my mom so she could get me my birthday present. I picked out fat quarters to make this one quilt I want to do that is all triangles and reguires 75 fat quarters. I have 43! So I am just over half way there. Of course, I picked up a few other things. One of them being a pattern for a stuffed frog. I love frogs, don't know why, I just do. I found this AWESOME batik many years ago that has frogs on it, and I just couldn't use it for just anything so I think the stuffed frog is the way to go. Why not have a frog that has frogs on it?? I am going to use another green batik and a beige one also to give it a little variety and personality.
I just finished reading "The Girls" which is about twins conjoined at the head. It was good, but not great. Now I think I am moving on to "Mother Teresa, The Private Writings of The Saint of Calcutta".
T had an umpire clinic today and is spending the night at his friends so its just TJ and J. Which means it will be a little quieter here, but not much. I think I am going to spend the evening sewing and reading since I already rode my horse and there is not much else that can be done now. Stalls are clean, groceries are bought. I should clean, but I will wait till Monday where there is no one here! Defeats the purose of vacuuming if the kids are just going to get pizza crumbs on the floor, don't you think??
Have a great weekend!!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Pink Toes!
This is the hole in the side of our yard. Pretty big. We have a broken field tile and are trying to figure out how much it is broke. Rich thinks at least two tiles, maybe three. Its also 8 inch pipe so we think its a main one. We fixed the one in the backyard yesterday. Now I know how to fix a field tile, pretty exciting. That one was only a small pipe. We are not sure how exactly we are going to fix the one in the big hole.
This is the quilt that I am currently working on. I haven't gotten much done since Sunday. Its been too nice. I was originally going to donate it to Project Linus, but Rich thinks I should keep this one and donate a different one. He likes this one and likes the colors in it. He says its too much work to give away. I have to make two more rows and then the hard part will be done. It actually goes pretty fast and I can make one row in about 20 minutes. I love the sock monkey fabric and may keep it even though no one here is still young enough to be into sock monkeys.
We have been riding almost every night, J is getting over his fears of being hurt, TJ is coming along good with his horse, and mine is just as stubborn as always. We had issues again tonight about not wanting to go forward, but we did. We didn't lope because he started kicking out and trying to buck which still scares me at this point. Last year it wouldn't have phased me, but after only 12 weeks, I still want to be careful and not be thrown. I don't think my dr. would be too happy!
Rich has had baseball practice almost every night or been working on the baseball fields. Our first game is in two weeks at New London. We have never been there before nor played a team from there. This should be interesting since we don't know what to expect. Our games will be on Mondays and Thurdays so they shouldn't interfer with too many horse shows, unless there is a Saturday game, but I think we only have one of those scheduled.
My local library started a book club, The Jane Austen Book Club, which I happily joined! There were 9 of us at the first meeting which I think is pretty good for our little library out here in the middle of nowhere. We are reading Sense and Sensibility this month and then next month we are going to read a members choice. We decided to mix it up so that it wouldn't get old or boring. Plus that way we could all share our favorite books. Right now I am reading "The Girls" by Lori Larsens. Its a fiction book about twins conjoined at the head. I have several other books here waiting to be read and actually read three books this past weekend.
And lastly, today I walked 3 miles. Very exciting to be able to do so. I saw a blimp when I was out walking but didn't have my camera with me and it was too far away for my cell phone. I didn't know DirectTV had a blimp but that is what it said. It was beautiful out and I was so glad to get outside and walk!!
I'm off to sew and have some yummy ice cream for dessert!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
The kids are loving this weather and J & TJ have been riding their horses everynight. Last night we videotaped them riding so they could see what they were doing and their horse was doing. TJ rode his horse for the first time without someone on the end of lead (lounge line). It went really well. My horse rode great for me and J's ride was pretty good too. I let the horses out in the large pasture today and they were very happy to have some room to run!
I went to the local library tonight for the first meeting of the new book club. Its the Jane Austen book club but we decided to read a Jane Austen book every other month and a favorite of one of the members every other month. The first selection is Sense and Sensibility. Right now I am reading World Without End by Ken Follet. Its set in England in the 1300's and is the sequal to Pillars of the Earth. It talks about building back then and also about the church and their control. Its a fiction book, but very good. I only have about 300 pages out of 1000 to go. The main characters are decendents of the builders (main characters) in Pillars of the Earth.
I started working on my quilt for Project Linus. Its the Lemon Blush pattern from Fat Quarter Shop by Me and My Sister Designs. I absolutly love the Sock Monkey fabric and I think its going to look great when put together. For some reason I am not able to download pictures tonight, but I will try to post them tomorrow or later.
I was also going to post a picture of my Clemantis and Bleeding Heart which have started to sprout in the one flower bed. I am looking forward to having everything green again instead of brown and white. It is supposed to rain all weekend but hopefully it won't get too cold! Tomorrow I am going to plant my lettuce in a pot. I am the only one who really eats it so I am going to plant it in small container that will be just enough for me.
Otherwise its been the usual - riding horses, homework, baseball, meetings. Same old thing every day. Seems like we are always running somewhere but Rich and I will be home all day together tomorrow so that should be nice. But alas - he will probably go work on baseball fields. I'm off to have some ice cream!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Busy Weekend!
We got up at about 7:00 so we could all shower and leave by 8:00. From Russ's we went to OSU Animal Science Building where my wonderful group of Hippology kids competed in the State Horse Bowl competition. Our juniors made it to the 5th round and according to my calculations made the top 15. The seniors made it to the 4th round and again according to my calculations made it to the top 25. We were eliminated around 2:30 and left by 3:15 to head home. We got home about 5:30 and just kinda hung out for the rest of the night. I admit, I feel asleep for about 2 hours around 6:00. I was pretty tired after all that!
Yesterday was spent cleaning and doing laundry. The boys did some work outside. It actually snowed in the afternoon so we all came in to spend time together hanging out watching TV. The tribe was on and they won!! Yeah!!
T and Rich went to the Lynard Skynard and Hank Jr. concert on Friday night. They had a good time, but they said they enjoyed Skynard better than Hank. THe concert started at 7:00 and Rich called me at 11:30, they were just leaving Cleveland. T loves Skynard and had a really good time. That was his first real concert so it was exciting for him. They ran into two other couples that we know from our small town. Pretty funny! Usually you don't see anyone you know at concerts.
Thursday night J and TJ rode their horses. Their uncle was home so he was helping them out. J rode his pony without a lounge line, which was good and TJ got on his gelding for the first time. Normally TJ rides my horse, but we gave him a horse last year and he is breaking it with our help. That was pretty exciting. He stayed on and the horse only jumped straight up once. Pretty good if you ask me! Here's some pictures of J and TJ on their pony/horse.
And Kris at Quilted Simple tagged me for the 4x4 meme so here are my responses.
4 jobs I've had:
- Insurance
- Teacher
- Insurance
- Step-mom (most important!)
4 shows I regularly watch:
- College Football
- Baseball
I would have to say that is it. I don't usually watch TV, I usually read
4 places I've been:
- Rochester, MN
- Dallas, Houston and Spring Texas
- New York, New York
- Washington DC
- Orlando
Ok, thats five but that is ALL I have ever been too!
4 foods I like:
- Pizza
- Chicken
- Salad
- Steak
I tag anyone who hasn't been tagged that reads my blog!
Hope everyone had a great weekend and has a great week!!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
6 days of SUN!!!
Also I was able to ride my horse! VERY EXCITING! I am "not allowed to ride unless someone else rides first" (direct quote from Rich) but I am able to ride. So that is wonderful to me! Last night I rode J's horse instead because I wanted to show him something, and the T wanted to try to ride. This is a kid who will go behind a race horse, but will not get up on top of one. He did very well, and only had a few moments where it didn't go well. But if he wants to learn to ride we have to start at the beginning since he hasn't been on a horse in over 3 years!
Tomorrow J, TJ and I are going to Equine Affair. Hopefully we will get to see some great clinics and seminars. I am still debating if I want to spend the extra money to see the Pfizer Fantasia. I think it would be neat, but it will cost about $50.00 so I am not sure I want to do that. But then I think what am I going to do with them till 9:30 when my BIL gets home. We are going to spend the night at my BIL's so that we can go to Equine Affair and then the State Horsebowl competition on Saturday. I wasn't sure we would be able to go to Equine Affair after Horsebowl, not sure I would feel up to it. But this way works out much better!
I am off to enjoy the sunshine now! Its quiet here!