Saturday, July 5, 2008

4th of July Fun

Yesterday J and I did the 5k run/walk. J finished in about 32 minutes, which I thought was pretty good for his first ever! And I finished in about 40 minutes, pretty much what I expected. The hills were what slowed me down! Here is a picture of J and I at the finish line:

Then I came home and finished up quilt blocks 9 & 10 for the quilt a long. I am very happy with the way these turned out. My points are getting so much better! There is not one "missing" point on either of these:

Then when Rich and the kids got home we went to my mom and dad's so Rich could give my dad a lesson. We had dinner and just hung out while they rode. T's girlfriend went with us and we played a game of corn hole. T and B beat my brother and I by ALOT! It was 21 to 7! Then we stopped at the neighbors for a few minutes to say Hi. There was a little one-on-one basketball played, and just hanging out! Here are some pictures of last night:

Dad riding with Rich coaching

J with one of mom's baby chicks

Matt and T playing cornhole.

After that we went to fireworks in Valley City and then came home. I was so tired that I just went to bed. It was about 11 by that time, and I was beat! Very productive day, but very tiring.

Today I cleaned the house and went to the grocery store while Rich and the kids did things like weed-eat, fertilize the garden, clean stalls, and now they are at the baseball field trying to get it playable for tonight. Tonight is our last regular season game. We have one make-up scheduled for Tuesday and then tournaments start the next weekend. If we win our first tournament game and my mom's neighbor wins their first tournament game then we play them in our second game. That will be a good game, even though they will win since I will want to cheer for both sides!

I am going to work on J's quilt for awhile and then head up to the ball game.


Marilyn Robertson said...

Looks like you had a great day on the 4th! Love your quilt blocks!

countrychicken said...

Yeah for you, completing the race is an accomplishment for both you and Joe. On to the next challenge.

Just wanted to say that mini quilt looks so good on your blog picture --- but--- it looks so good on my table. Thanks. Mom